School Improvement Plan (SIP)
Whilst the School Improvement Plan specifies a range of targets for the school in 2023-2024 our main targets are:
- Consistent, high quality teaching of phonics.
- Rigorous, high quality teaching of reading in KS1 bridging phonics and comprehension, with a focus on comprehension.
- Raising the importance and significance of reading for pleasure across all year groups.
- Lowest 20% of readers across the school need to be able to read fluently before leaving Woodlands Park Primary School.
- All staff and pupils understand and follow the high expectations for behaviour, consistently and with transparency with an equitable approach to rewards and sanctions.
- Trauma informed practices are followed to support pupil behaviour.
- Personalised approaches to behaviour management where needed.
- Pupils with SEND are consistently successful within the classroom and school environment due to the effectiveness of provision meeting the identified needs of the pupil.
- Pupils with SEND make progress inline with their peers.
- Every pupil with SEND has a personalised "My Learning Plan".
- Pupils with SEND are supported with following and understanding the behaviour policy and where necessary, personalised plans are created.
- EHCPs are written and supported through liaising with families and external agencies where appropriate.
- Development of writing across the whole school, focusing on transcription progressing to increasing the stamina of writing for composition.
- Implementation and embedding of the new maths scheme, (September 2023) Power Maths.
- Fluency with multiplication.
- Pupils can identify and explore mathematical problems and patterns, transferring their learning into every day life situations.
- Pupils feel confident in using a range of strategies and can articulate their reasoning, recognising and addressing misconceptions.
Opening Worlds Curriculum, (History, Geography and RE)
- Implementation and embedding of the new History, Geography and RE scheme, Opening Worlds.
- Consistency of National Curriculum coverage, to a rigorous high standard, developing knowledge, vocabulary and skills.
- Retaining and articulating knowledge at the core and linking secondary knowledge across subjects.
Staff Professional Development
- Staff are confident in subject areas.
- Staff are continually improving in their pedagogical knowledge, therefore this results in continual improvement for pupils.
- Empowering staff to continue their professional learning and are passionate about their knowledge.
Please read below our full School Improvement Plan. This is a working document and will be updated regularly.