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Woodlands Park Primary School

Woodlands Park Primary School


At Woodlands Park Primary through our French curriculum we aim to provide a rich and diverse learning experience for all students, and we aim to foster pupils’ curiosity and deepen their understand of the world around them as well as their own language.

Our French curriculum is centred around a ‘knowledge based curriculum’ with a focus on the key areas of vocabulary, grammar, phonics and pronunciation. We hope this will be embedded in a variety of ways such as speaking, listening, reading and writing. Our aim is to ensure children are provided with the foundations to be lifelong linguists and develop a love for learning languages.

The school is strongly committed to making the study of a foreign language a rewarding experience for the entire ability range, so that each student will be able to achieve their full potential. We aim to introduce the learning of the French language and the understanding of its culture in enjoyable and stimulating ways using the Rachel Hawkes scheme.

The French curriculum follows the progression of the Rachael Hawkes curriculum document which has been designed to ease the transition from primary to secondary languages.

• The skills and knowledge that children will develop through phonics, grammar and vocabulary are mapped across each year group and are progressive throughout school.

• French will be taught in KS2 from Year 3-6.

• French will be taught for one hour a week by a French specialist teacher/ HLTA’s as part of our PPA cover.

• Children will have the opportunity to develop their language skills through a range of approaches such as reading, writing, speaking and listening.

• Opportunities for assessment will be embedded in practice through activities such as follow ups, to assess children’s progress and retrieval of prior knowledge. Impact of our French curriculum

Our MFL curriculum ensures that children develop their knowledge of different language and where they are spoken in the world with a particular focus on French.