Maths Mastery

Maths ...'No Problem'
We have had an exceptionally busy maths term at Woodlands Park. After starting the year with Jo Boaler’s Week of Inspirational maths in KS2, children in KS1 and KS2 then started to use our fantastic new maths resource call ‘Maths No Problem.’ This term, Mrs Hunter has led a number of training sessions in school and across WeST. Additionally, Miss Sansom and Miss Walker have started a research project into maths mastery in the foundation stage and Mrs Hunter and Miss Doe are collaborating with two maths hubs to develop maths mastery. Karen has also been accepted to train as a Professional Development Lead for the National Centre of Excellence of Teaching Maths!
Over the last week, Woodlands Park has welcomed teachers from the maths hub to observe teaching and learning at Woodlands. This week, our CEO, Rob Haring, visited the school with WeST’s secondary head teachers to look at the principles of primary maths teaching.